Restoring A Nation’s Foundations

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Restoring A Nation’s Foundations


Prayer Strategies & Action Plans

A call for intercession for the nation, complete with built-in study guide.

“Jimmy and Carol Owens’s God-given message can shape the destiny of our nation and our world.”
– Pastor Rick Warren

“What the Owenses write about here holds the keys to God’s mightiest of workings: how he can, wants to, and will change entire nations…if we will accept our role.”
– Dr. Jack Hayford

“Years ago Jimmy Owens explained to a group of us how our small prayers could affect such a big thing as a nation. This amazing concept changed my life forever with regard to intercessory prayer. Now more than ever, we must understand what the Bible says about the call to pray for our nation. No one explains it better than Jimmy and Carol Owens have in this powerful and comprehensive book. None of us can afford to miss or ignore this call.”
– Author Stormie Omartian

“This important book is an astonishingly bold attempt to outline an authentic solution to the problems that plague 21st century America … You’ll know what to do to personally combat the spiritual wickedness that lies at their core.”
– Anthony DeStefano, best selling author, Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To.


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