Lord, here I am trying to write songs about You. I think of all the awesome, magnificent, cosmic, larger-than-mortal-life words and, somehow, they just won’t do. I wonder— have we ever really understood Holy Holy Holy?

Father, I need a bigger measure of the Family creativity. When I imagine the paeans of praise in Heaven, I feel embarrassed by the little songs I offer to the Church as vehicles for worship. But You understand that I do the very best I can with the measure of talent I have. So Lord, give my songs Your anointing. With that they will become far more than they really are.

Lord, help me to be so convinced of my calling and the power of your gift that I dedicate myself to the work of excellence. No negligence. No second best.

Of course, my song may not be perfect. In fact, often it may not work at all. That’s all right; I’ll put it aside and try again. But even a failure should always be the best I can offer You with that song.

Lord, let my songs flow out of a clean, pure, worshiping spirit. When Your people hear them, I want them to think, “Yes! That’s exactly what I would say to God if I could write a song to Him.” Let me be the voice of their hearts.

The scriptures are my blueprint for worship. When I am at a loss for words, I go to the praises of the prophets or psalmists and read them to You, right out loud. Rivers of love, acclaim and adoration pour out there. I borrow those words to prime my pump. I know You love to hear them again, and I’m sure the authors won’t mind.

Father, give me everything that draws me closer to you. And take away everything that separates me from you. Now that I think about it, this could be a dangerous prayer. But I will throw myself on Your love and mercy and grace and pray it anyway.

Oh God, give me hearing ears and the determination to wait on You. I want to hear Your clear voice in my spirit. I don’t want to mess up my life bumbling down blind alleys. I’m asking You in Jesus’ name to let me hear you say at every turn, at every point of change or confusion, “This is the way; walk in it.”

One day every voice on earth will praise You. There will be shouts from the mountaintops and deserts, songs from the islands and cities, and the whole earth will be full of Your glory.

As for me, well, I can’t wait for everybody else; I’m going to start now, so that when I do it then, I will be practiced and ready to go. (Isa. 42: 10-12)

Written by : Jimmy & Carol Owens

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